‘Dream Horse’ movie review

Toni Collette and Owen Teale

It was just a matter of time before the documentary ‘Dark Horse’ would be adapted into a drama.  ‘Dream Horse’ is a heartwarming film that makes you feel good.  It is based on a true story.  This is a classic underdog sports tale.  It is uplifting due to a terrific performance by the versatile actress Toni Collette.  Director Euros Lynn knows how to keep the pacing and suspense going throughout the journey.  You might want to bring some Kleenex for tears of joy and sadness.  ‘Dream Horse’ is a real gem that goes straight to the winner’s circle.

Jan (Collette) works a dead-end job at a local grocery store and pours beer at the local pub.  Her unemployed husband Brian (Owen Lewis) is usually sitting at home in front of the television.  She overhears accountant Howard (Damian Lewis) talk about horseracing over a few pints.  She gets this crazy idea to breed a horse.  How difficult can that be?  She just has to buy a mare, breed her and convince the townspeople to pitch in money every week to form a syndicate.  Jan has the heart and soul to win them over.  You cannot help but root for her.  The amazing thing is that it gives others in the small Welsh town hope and a new spark on life.

The mare gives birth to a foal (baby horse).  It is a cutie and it even gives Jan’s husband Brian purpose by raising the yearling they name Dream Alliance.  There is a wonderful scene where it shows each member of the syndicate setting aside their weekly cash.  Investing in the horse has given them something to look forward to in their mundane lives.  The next step is to get the horse a trainer.  This is where the working class meets the snobby aristocracy of the horseracing world.  At first the trainer is not interested until he sees Dream Alliance run around the track.  The horse has spirit and is a natural racer.

The racetrack scenes are filled with excitement.  The townsfolk come together and cheer on the horse they have invested in.  It is uplifting for them.  The horse keeps winning and entering bigger races.  One of the townsfolk in the clubhouse says, “I just had a pee next to Andrew Lloyd Webber.”  While another swears he heard a rumor that Mick Jagger is there.  There comes a point in the story where the horse gets injured.  This is where you see Jan’s love for the horse.  She wants to protect him.  The horse miraculously recovers from his injury stronger than ever.  Like a doting mother, she is afraid he might get hurt again in a national race.  Brian tells her to let him race, “It is in his blood.”

‘Dream Horse’ is a paint-by-the-numbers drama but it works.  It is not just an underdog story about a scrappy horse making it to the winner’s circle.  It is about the people of a small town getting back into the race.  It is a crowd-pleaser that is driven by another outstanding performance from Toni Collette.  We are the real winners allowed to enjoy this inspiring story.  ‘Dream Horse’ is an unexpected gem worth your time.

Dream Horse Rating

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